2017 Registrations

Here are instructions and the map that shows where you can pick up your passes.


◉ GENERAL ATTENDEES (VIP / 1 or 2Day / Kids): Please come to Gate B

1) VIP Pass:
Registration Hours: 9:30am – 6pm (Entry to Festival Pavilion: 10am)
Location: Gate B “VIP Check-in”
*For check-in after 6:00pm, please come to the table inside Festival Pavilion (6-8pm).

2) 1 or 2-day Pass:
Registration Hours: 10:30am – 6pm (Entry to Festival Pavilion: 11am)
Location: Gate B “General Check-in”
*For check-in after 6:00pm, please come to the table inside Festival Pavilion.

3) Kids:
Registration Hours: Same hours as their guardian
Location: Gate B (Where their guardian checks in)
*For check-in after 6:00pm, please come to the table inside Festival Pavilion.
*Kids under 12 MUST be checked-in with the guardian and accompanied with a ticket at all time.

☆ What to bring:
– Printed ticket (or E-ticket) with barcode
– Valid photo I.D.

Registration Hours: 11:00am – 6:00pm
Location: Gate A
*Please bring your valid ID